The Scoop On Poop: Diets For Digestive Issues In Dogs


It’s a thing that looms large in the daily lives of dog owners. We’d rather not think about it, but we have to. We’d like to turn our back and stride confidently away, but common decency, multiple bylaws and a deathly stare from fellow walkers means there is no way you’re going to leave pet parental responsibilities unattended to. You guessed it, we’re talking about poop. For most pet parents, it’s something we come into contact with almost every day. For apartment dwellers that’s simply a given fact, and for the majority of pet parents worldwide it’s one of the ultimate pitfalls of pet ownership.

But what if we told you that it didn’t need to be? What if we said that every dog could be the proud producer of firm, odourless stools? Once upon a time we would have said it was a myth, but that’s exactly what a high-quality diet can do for your pooch, and K9 Natural are here to uncover the stink on your dog’s business, invite you to pull up a stool (excuse the pun) and learn.

They say what goes in, must come out, but what may look nice in your dog’s dinner bowl can certainly look and smell a lot different at the other end. Essentially, poop is whatever is left of food once your dog’s body has absorbed all the nutrients needed from his meals. Food is fuel and medicine for your dog’s body, which is why a premium diet rich in proteins and fats is so essential. This translates into less waste overall; with a high-quality diet, you’ll notice more consistent, healthier stools on a daily basis. And as a bonus, they’ll typically have little or no odour!

The perfect poop? There’s too many variations of normal to pin this one down. But if your dog’s business is quite literally causing a stink in your life, then maybe it’s time to look at trialling your pooch on a new diet which can encourage the firm, odourless poop your dog walker will thank you for.

However like anything in life, perfect poos don’t come without a little bit of work and good old fashioned perseverance. A good dose of meaty goodness can often take a carb filled belly by storm and cause a couple of unsightly poops before the glory emerges. Think of it as a dog detox, a good clean out of the system to make way for firmer and more pleasant things.

K9 Natural is a complete and balanced diet made from whole foods which are easily digestible to your dog. Our recipes are naturally rich in high quality proteins and fats found in the sustainably and ethically sourced ingredients from the human supply chain in New Zealand. It contains all the healthy nutrients your dog needs, and very little of the carbohydrates, starches and unnecessary fillers they don’t. Quite simply, K9 Natural diets are complete, balanced and free from unnecessary fillers – hello happy digestion. Did we mention 100% New Zealand made!?

Your pet’s poop is a good indicator of their general health and doesn’t need to be a point of daily contention. In fact, many problems can be avoided by sticking with a regular, premium diet of top-quality food and treats such as the K9 Natural range of products. Simply follow the below link to explore the range and feed your dog a premium diet you’ll love as much as they do!

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